South MCD Standing Committee’s proposal is in contempt of Delhi Vidhan Sabha : Saurabh Bhardwaj

दैनिक समाचार

BJP ruled MCD brings forth a tyrannical proposal refusing to answer queries sent by Delhi Vidhan Sabha

An AAP MLA had asked in the Vidhan Sabha whether the BJP pays the MCD for all the advertisements it has put up in Delhi; MCD Commissioner replied saying he has no information on it: Saurabh Bhardwaj

If at all the BJP has paid the MCD for all its hoardings then it must clarify what amount it has been charged: Saurabh Bhardwaj

Today the MCD is being driven into doom because the BJP puts up hoardings for free and prevents the MCD from earning from them: Saurabh Bhardwaj

One hoarding is supposed to generate 1-1.15 lac in revenue per month; BJP is looting the MCD of 2,680 crores every year: Saurabh Bhardwaj


BJP’s intoxication of power has reached to an extent where it thinks it can refuse to provide accountability and get away with its corruption. The BJP ruled MCD has brought forth a tyrannical proposal stating that it will not answer queries sent by Delhi Vidhan Sabha, informed AAP Chief Spokesperson and MLA Shri Saurabh Bhardwaj. He stated — South MCD Standing Committee’s proposal is in contempt of the historical institution of Delhi Vidhan Sabha. An AAP MLA had asked in the Vidhan Sabha whether the BJP pays the MCD for all the advertisements it has put up in Delhi. The MCD Commissioner replied saying he has no information on it. If at all the BJP has paid the MCD for all its hoardings then it must clarify what amount it has been charged. Today the MCD is being driven into doom because the BJP puts up hoardings for free and prevents the MCD from earning from them. One hoarding is supposed to generate 1-1.15 lac in revenue per month but the BJP is looting the MCD of 2,680 crores every year.

Shri Saurabh Bhardwaj said, “Whenever someone heads out of their homes in Delhi, they come across a sea of advertisements of the BJP and its leaders. Be it the hoardings, the public conveniences, the street furniture, or even a loosely hanging pole, we’d see all of it has been hijacked by the BJP. This is not an exaggeration but a fact. Everyone knows how many political ads of the BJP have been put up all over Delhi.”

He continued, “During the Vidhan Sabha session, one of the MLAs sought answer for a simple question during the question hour. They asked, how much does a certain political party spend to put up advertisements on unauthorised sites, toilets, street furniture and the like. They wanted to understand if the MCD is paid any amount towards these advertisements and if yes, how much has it earned from the ads; if no, has any action been initiated against the said political party or if any FIR has been filed in the matter? Replying to the query, Commissioners of the all three MCDs stated that they had no information on the same.”

Shri Bhardwaj stated, “It is no secret that for the last five odd years, there’s no street in Delhi without any hoarding of the BJP. Be it Prime Minister, BJP MPs, Mayors or state leaders. They’ve hijacked the whole of Delhi with their hoardings. Ideally, hoardings generate one to one and a half lac rupees a month in revenue. But here, the MCDs ruled by the BJP itself are saying they have no idea about the hoardings. Following due process, this matter was sent to a committee. The same is done in the parliament too when a question goes unresolved. If any answer is answered falsely to, then it goes against the privileges of the Delhi Vidhan Sabha and is a matter of contempt to the institution. The query was handed over to a Privileges Committee through a resolution in the house.”

He continued, “Today, the newspapers have reported at length about how the BJP has passed a proposal in South MCD’s Standing Committee saying that no query of the Delhi Vidhan Sabha will be answered by the South MCD. The BJP has walked into a clear case of ‘guilty conscience needs no accuser’. This just proves that they’ve been looting crores from the people of Delhi.”

He concluded, “Taking the example of PWD roads, we can do a simple calculation of the lost revenue. PWD has 1,100 kms of roads under its purview. If we take both sides of the road it becomes 2,200 kms. Even if 5 hoardings are placed in 1 km, and one hoarding generates 1 lac per month, then the MCDs should earn about 2,680 crores from the hoardings. If the MCD is not getting revenue out of it, then it is clear that the BJP is robbing the public. BJP leaders put up their hoardings for free because of which MCD fails to earn the thousands of crores it could have. It is because of them that the MCD is being driven into doom. Was the institution of Delhi Vidhan Sabha wrong to seek accountability from the MCD? Is it not the BJP who puts up the hoardings? Is the Commissioner so blindsided by the BJP’s antics that he failed to notice those massive hoardings above his head? BJP is trying to cover up their corruption but they’ve been exposed by publicly stating they won’t answer to the Vidhan Sabha. We ask the BJP, what nefarious thoughts have you housed in your minds? How much theft have you committed? What information are you hiding from the public? If they have paid rent in crores of rupees for putting up hoardings across Delhi, they need to show the receipts of payment. The BJP needs to tell the public the amount of money its leaders and its councillors have handed over to the MCD in exchange for these hoardings.”

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