Groundnut and Soyabean Oil  

दैनिक समाचार

The Government has been implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme viz., National Food Security Mission- Oilseeds & Oil Palm (NFSM-OS&OP) from 2018-19 to increase the production and productivity of oilseeds including groundnut & soybean in the country.

NFSM- Oilseeds has three broad interventions viz., (i) seed components covering purchase of breeder seed, production of foundation seed, production of certified seed, distribution of certified seed, Seed Hubs, Infrastructure Development, supply of seed minikits of Oilseeds, (ii) Production inputs component covering Plant Protection (PP) equipments, PP chemicals, NPV/ bio agent, gypsum/ pyrites/ lime etc., bio-fertilizers, improved farm implements, sprinkler sets, water carrying pipes, seed storage bins, seed treating drum, etc; and (iii) Transfer of Technology component covering officers training, farmers training, Cluster demonstration, Cluster demonstrations on Bee keeping, Frontline demonstrations, Cluster Frontline Demonstrations (CFLDs) by Krishi Vigyan Kendras and Farmers field schools, need based R&D project including seminar/ kisan mela etc.

In addition of above, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana- RAFTAAR (RKVY-RAFTAAR) provides provision for crop production related activities on oilseeds. Under RKVYRAFTAAR, the states can also implement programme on oilseeds with the approval of State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) constituted under the chairpersonship of Chief Secretary of the state.

Physical progress under NFSM-Oilseeds during last three years is enclosed at Annexure-I and fund allocated and released under NFSM- OS&OP during last three years are as under:

YearsFund allocated (Rs. in crore)Fund released (Rs. in Crore)

NFSM-Oilseeds and NFSM- Pulses are ongoing Centrally Sponsored Schemes for increasing the production of agricultural crops. The dissemination of new HYVs/ Hybrid seeds of various crops including critical inputs has resulted in record production of pulses and oilseeds at 25.72 million tonnes and 36.10 million tonnes respectively, during 2020-21.


Physical progress under NFSM-Oilseeds during last three years from 2018-19 to 2020-21:

S. No.ComponentsUnitProgress
State Governments and UTs    
 Seed Components    
1Purchase of Breeder SeedQtls7489.965330.596903.00
2Production of Foundation SeedQtls29883.6741067.6837791.72
3Production of Certified SeedQtls82872.6487944.86102053.81
4Distribution of Certified SeedQtls160472.29186598.12121094.47
 TOT Programmes    
5Block DemonstrationHa196667.60142408.71133202.92
6IPM Demonstration-FFSNos138616001332
7Farmers TrainingNos259815161736
8Officers TrainingNos582315267
 Production Inputs    
9Dist. of Gypsum/Pyrite/Lime/SSP, etc.Ha265311170668.02184039.67
10Supply of Rhyzobium/PSB/ZSB /Azato- bacter/ Mycorrhiza cultureHa10263970542.5373089.01
11PP Chemicals/ Insectcides/ biopesticides/ weedicides/ bioagents /micronutrients,etcHa103311.94130986.6487818.21
12Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV)Ha10912549.001696
13Supply of Plant Protection Equipments (Total)Nos367741637019134
14Supply of Farm Implements (Total)Nos850442656204
15Seed Storage BinsNos1861255572786
16Distribution of Sprinkler setsNos357624643602
17Pipes for carrying water from sourceMtrs491731129423611337851
Central Agencies    
18Breeder Seed ProductionQtls2298.392106.041659.43
19Foundation Seed ProductionQtls16980.3810213.0822567.93
20Certified Seed ProductionQtls209621.0658253.16170659.36
21Seed Minikit DistributionNos.20089917616491378779
22Front Line DemonstrationHa.726556259220
23FLDs TrainingNos.392865
24Cluster FLDsHa.5309310046371888
25Seed Hub (35 seed hub established)Qtls12771.6522780.26

This information was given by Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.


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