Something needs to be said about France:

दैनिक समाचार

Now that the French Presidential election has become the choice between two poisons, it is time to denounce the role of the French Communist Party for its role in preventing Melanchon, instead of Le Pen, being the opponent of Macron in the upcoming French Presidential election.

If anything, as far as I can perceive, the French Communist Party is to the RIGHT of Melanchon.

The French Communist Party immediately denounced the Russian intervention in the Ukraine, thus showing its loyalty to US-led imperialism, not communism.

This is the same party that sold out to DeGaulle in 1968, betraying the 1968 revolution!

Can anyone doubt why the French Communist party could only get 2.3% in the election? It was, at one time, a huge political force in Europe, but when it told the French Partisans, in WWII, who controlled 80% of France, to lay down its arms and allow capitalism to be restored in France, after the Yalta agreement, it took its first, and most important step away from belief in a communist revolution.

Today, and apparently for some decades, it has become a ‘useful tool’ in US-Led imperialism’s political armament, by splitting the French left and serving US-led imperialism and NATO’s attack on Russia.

With such ‘communists’ no progress, let alone revolution, is possible!

The issue of the Ukraine has become the dividing line, all over the world, between Communists and Mensheviks.

If and old Ukrainian ‘grandma’, under the very eyes of the Ukraine fascist soldiers, can defiantly display the Communist Red Flag, in support of the Russian intervention, why cannot communist parties all over the world do the same?

Some of those parties are still very large.

Where are their demonstrations, carrying that flag, in support of the Russian intervention?

Our communist movement needs to use this moment to come to its senses and realize that this is an historic moment of testing.

Where we go, as a movement, is the collective responsibility of all of us!

Now is the time to begin the rebuilding of our movement, on a true MARXIST REVOLUTIONARY basis!


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