Veterinary colleges are essential for animal welfare in the country. However, Animal Husbandry, including Veterinary education, is a State subject and therefore, establishment of veterinary colleges (whether public /private) falls under the purview of the State.
Estimates of veterinary colleges / veterinary professionals are made by States and there is no such data maintained centrally. However, there are 54 recognized veterinary colleges as on date. Further, as per the Indian Veterinary Practitioner Register, maintained by VCI, there are 85392 registered veterinary practitioners up to 2020.
Veterinary Council of India (VCI), established under the provision of the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984, is mandated to regulate veterinary practice, which includes, among others, maintaining minimum standards of veterinary education. TheMinimum Standards for Veterinary Education (MSVE) Regulations lay down the physical facilities, manpower, course duration, curriculum, etc. that are required to impart the Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (BVSc & AH) degree by a recognized veterinary college in the country.
This information was given by The Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying Shri. Parshottam Rupala in the Lok Sabha in a written reply today.