Windows 11

विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी

By  : Satyaki Paul

Recently, Microsoft has announced the launch of its new Operating System for Jun 21 2021 under the name of Windows 11. This is will be a next-gen development from the earlier Windows 10 which was launched way back in 2015.

The Windows 11 will have newer aesthetics and feel to it. It is featured under the code name “Sun Valley”. Furthermore, Microsoft has promised that it will fix numerous bugs such as repositioning of application issue on multiple monitors and better support for Bluetooth audio. Microsoft is also working on its native application store (similar to AppleStore and Google Playstore) to make more additions in terms of game/application titles and as well as payment options. Thus, the addition of more applications in the User Interface will also incentivize developers to continue working with the new Operating System.

CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella opined on Windows 11 at Build, that this is going to be the biggest update to Windows in over a decade.

The New Windows 11 will include: A new Microsoft App Store, x64 emulation for Windows on ARM, aesthetical overhaul (rounded corners) and more other options/features which would be unveiled in the June 21 event.

In this vein, I cannot comment that Windows 10X is dead or not. Nonetheless, the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) such as HP, Lenovo, Dell would be happy to see new Windows 11 release for their products. As because, a new version of Windows at all times drives new hardware sales and newer interest in the Operating System. Thus, if Microsoft backs that up with a new User Interface and a fresh look and feel for Windows 11, it will be the distinctivechange for as far we’ve seen for Windows for the last 5-years. In the month of October/November 2021, Windows 11 might be available to every desktop PC for upgradation, probably as an un-paid update.

The author works as a Ph.D. Research Scholar at the Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta, and the co-author of the book Anthropology For All (2021).

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