Delhi to become the host of iconic global markets; Kejriwal Government to revamp five major markets as per global standards

दैनिक समाचार

During phase one, Delhi Government will redevelop Kamla Nagar, Khari Baoli, Lajpat Nagar, Sarojini Nagar & Kirti Nagar and rebrand them as shopping hotspots: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Delhi’s markets will tread towards the path of progress with a new identity; redevelopment will help generate more business & employment: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Plan to generate 20 lac employment opportunities under the Rozgaar Budget; working day & night to fullfill our goal: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Had sought applications for redevelopment in May; received 49 applications from 33 markets: CM Arvind Kejriwal

8 member committee finalised 5 markets after on ground assessment and consultation with market associations: CM Arvind Kejriwal

The five markets will be redeveloped after a design competition, consisting of the top architects and designers of the world: CM Arvind Kejriwal

After announcement of the competition in the next six weeks, the best designs will be adopted to redevelop the markets: CM Arvind Kejriwal


Delhi will soon become the host of iconic global markets. The Kejriwal Government will revamp five major markets as per global standards. Announcing the decision, Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal said, “During phase one, Delhi Government will redevelop Kamla Nagar, Khari Baoli, Lajpat Nagar, Sarojini Nagar & Kirti Nagar and rebrand them as shopping hotspots. Delhi’s markets will tread towards the path of progress with a new identity; redevelopment will help generate more business & employment. Plan to generate 20 lac employment opportunities under the Rozgaar Budget; working day & night to fullfill our goal. Had sought applications for redevelopment in May; received 49 applications from 33 markets. 8 member committee finalised 5 markets after on ground assessment and consultation with market associations. The five markets will be redeveloped after a design competition, consisting of the top architects and designers of the world. After announcement of the competition in the next six weeks, the best designs will be adopted to redevelop the markets.”

Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal said, “Delhi is home to world-famous markets. Every single market of ours has its own identity and legacy. There are about 3.5 lac shops in Delhi which employ a workforce of around 7.5 lac to 8 lac. We had announced during this year’s budget that we will revamp the infrastructure of Delhi’s markets. We will redevelop their roads, sewers, parkings and beautify their public spaces. We will also take up holistic branding of these markets.”

He added, “We have decided to revamp five major markets of Delhi under phase one. This decision has been taken not in an AC room but by extensive study on the ground. We had issued advertisements seeking applications on April 22 through all newspapers. The market associations were supposed to fill up a form and explain their needs and ideas for the redevelopment. We received 49 applications from 33 markets of Delhi. We then made an eight member committee of officers and industry leaders to assess these applications. They then finalised a list of nine markets for further assessment. They then went to visit these nine markets and studied every aspect and finalised the names of five markets.”

He continued, “The first five markets to be redeveloped are, Kamla Nagar, Khari Baoli, Lajpat Nagar, Sarojini Nagar and Kirti Nagar. The selection committee has also tagged the USP of the said markets for their redevelopment. Kamla Nagar has been identified as a ‘youth hangout zone’. Khari Baoli has been identified as ‘a legacy market from the Mughal times with the best spices to offer’. Lajpat Nagar has been identified as a ‘high-end street fashion & one-stop destination for wedding shopping’. Sarojini Nagar has been identified as a ‘fast-fashion market with latest trends’. Kirti Nagar has been identified as a ‘one-stop shop for furniture and household items’. I congratulate the market associations of all the selected markets.”

CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal concluded, “We have chosen these five markets for our first phase. Eventually the plan will be extended to all markets of Delhi. Our next step hereon is to hold a design competition in the next six weeks. India’s best designers and architects will take part in this competition. On the basis of the best designs received from them, our markets will be redesigned. I believe that these markets which are the pride of Delhi will become a centre of attraction for the whole world. The biggest boon of this redevelopment would be a sharp increase in employment opportunities. This will help alleviate the problem of unemployment in India.”

Bazaar Vahi, Pechnaan Nayi—What is Iconic Market Redevelopment initiative?

Delhi has several popular and iconic markets and they have always been the pride of Delhi. ‘Every market has its own story, its own identity’. Presently there are more than 3.5 lakh shops in all the retail markets of Delhi, which employ about 7.5 lakh people

Today these traditional iconic markets of Delhi need redevelopment in infrastructure and other facilities so as to strengthen the sense of trust and belongingness that many feel when shopping in these markets. We want to position these markets such that people across the country and even abroad feel a sense of pride in shopping from the iconic markets of Delhi.

These markets have the potential that if there is a slight increase in the business here with the cooperation of the Government, then lakhs of new jobs can be created here. We have done this in Chandni Chowk, but now this needs to be done for all the popular, iconic markets of Delhi

For the same, GNCTD announced the initiative ‘Redevelopment of Iconic Markets’ under the Rozgar Budget 2022-23. Under this, the government will revamp 5 iconic markets in the Phase-1 of redevelopment.


The objective of the scheme is to further buld on the “shopping” experience of the customers and develop these markets in tourist destinations by:

Comprehensive redevelopment of the physical infrastructure: Roads, Sewage, Lighting, Parking etc.

Branding the Markets : Developing a unique brand for these markets and marketing them within and outside Delhi so as to generate a sense of pride in shopping from Delhi’s iconic markets.

Project Execution

Coordination between different authorities : Tourism Department and DTTDC have been giving the responsibility of bringing all the involved department/authorities under one umbrella and lead the implementation of this scheme.

Partnership with the Market Associations: Multiple meetings (one-on-one as well as combined meetings at Dy CM level) have been held with the market associations to ensure they are equal partners in the process leading to better sharing of responsibility and ownership.

Design Competition: A Design Competition will be launched for each market that will help in getting the best ‘out of box idea’ for redeveloping the market. Market should be developed basis the core USP of the market and to create a unique brand. The same will be leveraged for developing a unique marketing campaign for each market.

Selection of Markets

To select the 5 markets for redevelopment in 1st phase, a stakeholder consultation was convened by Deputy CM on 21st April, 2022 in which over 100 representatives from 50 market associations participated. This meeting was called to kickstart the selection process.

A full-page advertisement was issued on 22nd April and all the Market Associations from Iconic Retail Markets of Delhi were invited to fill a form to participate in the selection process. They were asked to submit details on issues being faced by their market and to seek their interest in the redevelopment scheme. Markets were asked to apply within 15 days (till 6th May).

In all, 49 associations from a total 33 markets submitted applications to express interest in redevelopment of their markets.

For the selection of the 5 markets in Phase 1, an 8 member selection committee was constituted involving representatives from Tourism Department, Delhi Jal Board, PWD, School of Planning and Architecture (SPA) and Trade bodies (CTI, Shopping Centre Association)

Selection committee created a first shortlist of 9 markets basis various parameters such as Brand value of the market, Footfall in the market, need and ease of intervention, interest of the Market Associations etc.

The Selection Committee then physically visited the 9 shortlisted markets to understand the ground realities of the market, explore the feasibility of implementation and the interest of the Market Association.

After careful consideration, the Selection Committee has shortlisted the following 5 markets for Phase 1 of the Iconic Market Redevelopment scheme:

Kamla Nagar as a Youth Hangout Zone with a Nostalgic walk

Khari Baoli a Legacy from old Mughal empire with Best spices from all over the world at your door

Lajpat Nagar – High End Street Fashion & a one stop destination for wedding shopping

Sarojini Nagar – Fast fashion/Latest Trendsetting street market (Market For everything, everyone)

Kirti Nagar

On-stop-shop for all furniture and household décor

Design Competition:

As the next step, a Design Competition will be launched for each of these 5 iconic markets within 6 weeks to get best out-of-the-box, innovative ideas from various architectural/urban design firms both within India as well as out of India.

Within 12 weeks, top notch architectural teams will be appointed and will begin their work in redeveloping these 5 iconic markets to their fullest potential

Project Implementation

Implementation will be taken up in multiple packages as soon as the architectural firms are appointed and they have identified immediate works that need to be carried out as part of a an overall redevelopment/redesign plan for the markets. Market associations of these 5 markets have been taken onboard, who have promised their unconditional support for the smoother implementation and later maintenance of the projects.

What do the market associations say:

Nitin Gupta, President, Kamla Nagar Traders Association (Regd)

Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal announced that Kamla Nagar Market has been selected for redevelopment. Due to his announcement there is a wave of happiness among all the traders of Kamla Nagar market. It is also a great thing that Kamala Nagar has got the first place in this series of redevelopment of markets. This is the beginning of the golden chapter of Kamla Nagar that for the first time any government has thought about the wishes of the traders. Kamla Nagar market is a legacy market of Delhi established in 1950 and remains the same till date, no changes have taken place. This will also increase business in the market. I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi.

Kuldeep Arora, Secretary, Pushpa Market Traders Welfare Association

Only one word can aptly describe this move of Kejriwal Government- excellent. It is happening for the first time in Delhi that a Government has taken a decision in the interest of the businessmen so that their business can grow. This is a historic and unprecedented decision. This will ensure an increase in trade in Delhi and prosperity of the businessmen of the state.

Ghanshyam Kushwah, President, New Timber Market Dealer Association

I am quite proud of and satisfied with this decision of Kejriwal Government. Beautification of the market will result in growth of the business. More customers will visit the market and this will result in increase in employment as more people will be required to provide service to them. This decision will transformation this place completely. Market’s revenue will increase and this will result in more tax being paid to the government. We will try our best to attract even the international customers to the market, something will never used to happen before so can our business can grow multi-fold.

Lalit Gupta, Secretary, Delhi Kirana Committee (Regd.)

Delhi CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal’s has given due attention to the concerns of the businessmen and we are grateful to him for that. We will support him in the future. He has walked the talk and fulfilled his promises. It is a matter of immense proud for us that our market is in the Top 5.

Ashok Kalra, Secretary, Sarojini Market Shopkeepers Association

I want to thank Kejriwal Government and Shri Arvind Kejriwal for this decision. This decision will change the fate of the market and ensure progress. Redevelopment of Sarojini Nagar Market will increase the number of customers. Beautification will establish the market as an elite place for shopping. On behalf of the entire market, I want to thank the Delhi Government from the bottom of my heart.

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