Happy that the Delhi Government is trying to fulfil the dreams which Babasaheb and Bhagat Singh saw for the Indian society: CM Arvind Kejriwal

दैनिक समाचार

No government in the last 75 years tried to walk on the path shown by Dr Ambedkar and Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Dr Ambedkar envisioned highest quality of education for every single child of India but no government could provide that in 75 years: CM Arvind Kejriwal

With the education revolution thriving in the state, the Delhi Government diligently working to ensure that we can fulfil Babasaheb’s dream: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Both Babasaheb and Bhagat Singh wanted an independent India wherein success did not depend on one’s caste or class and everyone got equal treatment: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Delhi Government offices will no longer have the photos of politicians but instead the portraits of Dr Ambedkar and Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh will inspire everyone: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Delhi Government will walk the path shown by Babasaheb and Dr Ambedkar and their vision will forever inspire us: CM Arvind Kejriwal

We increased Delhi’s education budget to 25% and worked since day one to transform the condition of schools in Delhi: CM Arvind Kejriwal

We’re not just teaching our students to be good citizens but also inculcating entrepreneurship and Deshbhakti in them: CM Arvind Kejriwal

We are establishing the Delhi Teachers’ University with the goal of preparing next generation teachers of the highest global standards: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Had Dr Ambedkar been here with us in the present, he’d have accepted us with open arms and given us his patronage: CM Arvind Kejriwal

We will lift all Corona related curbs as soon as we can and work towards bringing the economy back on track: CM Arvind Kejriwal

CM Arvind Kejriwal leads Republic Day celebrations at the Delhi Secretariat by hoisting the National Flag; offers greetings to the nation


Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal led Republic Day celebrations at the Delhi Secretariat and hoisted the National Flag while offering greetings to the nation. On the occasion, the CM remembered the vision of Babasaheb Ambedkar and Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh and talked about their importance in the present era. The CM stated — I am happy that the Delhi Government is trying to fulfil the dreams Babasaheb and Bhagat Singh saw for our Indian society. Not one government in the last 75 years tried to walk on the path shown by Dr Ambedkar and Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh. Dr Ambedkar envisioned the highest quality of education for every single child of India but no government could provide that in 75 years. With the education revolution thriving in the state, the Delhi Government is diligently working to ensure that we can fulfil Babasaheb’s dream. Both Babasaheb and Bhagat Singh wanted an independent India wherein success did not depend on one’s caste or class and everyone got equal treatment. We increased Delhi’s education budget to 25% and worked since day one to transform the condition of schools in Delhi. We’re not just teaching our students to be good citizens but also inculcating entrepreneurship and Deshbhakti in them. We are establishing the Delhi Teachers’ University with the goal of preparing next generation teachers of the highest global standards. Had Dr Ambedkar been here with us in the present, he’d have accepted us with open arms and given us his patronage. Delhi Government offices will no longer have the photos of politicians but instead the portraits of Dr Ambedkar and Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh will inspire everyone. Delhi Government will walk the path shown by Babasaheb and Dr Ambedkar and their vision will forever inspire us. He also said that the government will lift all Corona related curbs as soon as it can and work towards bringing the economy back on track.

On the sidelines of the Republic Day, a grand celebration was held at the premises of the Delhi Secretariat. Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal took part in the celebrations as the chief guest. He hoisted the mighty tricolour to the joy of the officers in the audience. The ceremony was flanked by the salutations of a traditional police band which further played a melodious rendition of the national anthem on the occasion. The ceremony also saw music teachers of the Directorate of Education present songs of Deshbhakti to add a patriotic fervour to the event.

Delhi saw the worst of COVID; we the people of Delhi, our doctors, our officers, and our COVID warriors fought resiliently: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Shri Arvind Kejriwal said, “My heartiest greetings to all the people of India and especially those of Delhi on Republic Day. For the last two years a lot of activities we’d normally see take place day to day have remained shut because of the pandemic. We lost a lot of lives because of Coronavirus, someone in every family got infected too. The country has seen three waves of the virus, but Delhi has seen five. It is us Delhiites who’ve faced the worst of COVID. The virus did not originate in India, it came from abroad. Most international flights land in Delhi when they come to India. Whenever a new variant comes from abroad, it hits us first. No one has faced anything like what Delhi has. But in our true spirit, we the people of Delhi, our doctors, our officers, our COVID warriors, we came together and fought resiliently. Today we stand together in the face of the fifth wave. Omicron spreads rapidly but is assessed to be mild. On January 13th, 29,000 COVID cases were recorded in Delhi. It was almost as much as our highest trend during the 4th wave of Delhi or the second wave of the country in April. Unlike the situation back then, this time around only 2,500 to 3,000 patients needed hospitalisation. On 15th January we recorded our highest positivity rate around 30%. After 10 days, we saw it dip to around 10% yesterday. The cases are similarly seeing a decline too.”

Delhi hit milestones with its vaccination program; 100% administration of first dose ensured: CM Arvind Kejriwal

He added, “The curb of the spread can be credited to two major reasons. The variant being mild, and our vaccination program held at a war-footing. Vaccination significantly curbs the impact of the virus, and Delhi stands as a proof today. Our doctors, nurses, medical & paramedical staff and officers collaborated in this tremendous effort. It is because of them that 100% of Delhiites have been vaccinated with one dose and 82% with both doses. Our vaccination program has definitely hit some global and national milestones as well. We are now on track to vigorously administer the booster doses too.”

Understand the difficulties of Covid curbs; request everyone to have faith in us; all curbs will be lifted once the situation improves: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Talking about COVID related restrictions the CM said, “Whenever the coronavirus spreads, we have to take tough decisions and implement curbs. We are forced to impose weekend curfews, night curfews and odd even systems. All of this painfully impacts the economy. We understand how difficult it is, how it affects livelihood. But I’d request everyone to have faith in us, and understand that we only impose the least of the restrictions we are bound to. We don’t want anyone to suffer. We don’t want to hurt the economy. But protecting lives is paramount, ensuring greater public health is paramount. We have to impose restrictions to protect our citizens.”

LG Sahab is a good man, he is concerned about public health; please don’t spread hate against him on social media: CM Arvind Kejriwal

He added, “Last week, a group of traders visited me. They raised concerns about the COVID restrictions. I assured them that we will lift the curbs as soon as we can. We sent a few proposals to the LG on it. He accepted a few and deferred the rest. I noticed that the people are showing resentment towards him on social media. I want to tell those people, our Lieutenant Governor has done this in his wise wisdom. He is a good man, he is concerned about public health and wants to protect all citizens. We all gain no pleasure in imposing restrictions. I assure everyone, we are working together to find solutions. As soon as we can, we will lift these restrictions. We will work to ensure everyone’s lives come back on track.”

Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh and Babasaheb Ambedkar have impacted my life and thinking the most: CM Arvind Kejriwal

The CM further stated, “We are celebrating the Republic Day. This occasion is synonymous to celebrating our freedom fighters. We remember all those who sacrificed their lives for the sake of our independence. The contribution and courage of our freedom fighters can not be quantified. Each and everyone of them made great sacrifices in their own capacity. There are two freedom fighters who have inspired and impacted my thoughts the most. Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh and Babasaheb Ambedkar both shine like diamonds in the skies above us. They both adopted contrasting paths, but they had one goal. Babasaheb struggled a lot throughout his life. Talking about Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein said that generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. The more I read about Dr Ambedkar the more I believe that this quote applies to him as well. He was born in 1891 in the Mahar community. They faced discrimination and were considered untouchables. His family had barely anything to survive on. The school he went to made him sit separately outside the class. He wasn’t allowed to drink water from the vessel unless a peon poured it towards him from a distance. The same man who faced these sufferings, not just went abroad, but got PhDs from London School of Economics and Columbia University.”

Babasaheb managed to secure PhDs from Columbia and London when there was no internet or mode of getting information: CM Arvind Kejriwal

He continued, “In 1914-1915 he took admission in Columbia University. There was no internet, no mode of gathering information. I often wonder how he’d have managed to get hold of the forms of admission to the university. It just amazes me that with all the difficulties he faced, how did he get to know of Columbia, and how he admitted himself there. After getting a PhD from Columbia, he went to London School of Economics to get a PhD from there as well. Despite all the facilities and riches of life that we have been bestowed with, if our children today want to get admission in the London School of Economics it is no easy task. He did all of this without having a penny in his pocket. It was when he was at LSE that he exhausted his funds and had to come back to India to arrange money so he could continue studying there. He gets his second PhD, comes back to India and becomes the architect of our constitution. He was the first Minister of Law and Justice. What a brilliant personality he was.

Babasaheb dreamt of quality education for all children but our politicians failed to deliver that: CM Arvind Kejriwal

He added, “The first and foremost teaching we can draw from his life is to dream big for our country, for progress and prosperity, for everyone. Then the entire universe will align itself to help you achieve those dreams. Babasaheb had a dream that every child in this country, whether rich or poor, must receive a good quality of education. He had to endure a lot of troubles in his path to getting a good education. He wanted that no child should have to undergo such hurdles to get educated in an independent India, no matter what the background – rich or poor, Dalit or Brahmin – it is the right of every child to obtain the best form of education. However, even 75 years after independence, the politicians have not been able to fulfil Babasaheb’s dream.”

Delhi Government Schools being praised globally; First Lady of the US came to attend Happiness Classes: CM Arvind Kejriwal

The CM further said, “Today is Republic Day, an auspicious day. Today we all pledge that we will turn Babasaheb’s dream that every child should get a good education into reality. India will only progress and become a leading nation when every child in the country is properly educated. There is no shortcut to this. We might indulge in grand talk of transforming the country and taking it to the next level during elections, but the path to achieve this is a long and arduous one. A lot of hard work is needed, a major part of which is education. There is not a single developed nation where every child doesn’t have access to quality education. I am happy that the efforts to realise Babasaheb’s dream have begun in Delhi. In the past seven years, the work that has been done in government schools and in the education sector is nothing short of a revolution in education. When America’s then President Donald Trump came to visit India, his wife Melania Trump especially requested to visit Delhi’s government schools. This is a matter of great pride for our teachers, our education department, all students as well as teachers. It is a kind of certificate of achievement, of validation. The American President who travels the world I believe must not have visited government schools in any other country, but he came to India and his wife visited our government schools here in Delhi.”

First step to transform government schools was allocating 25% of the budget for education, developing the infrastructure: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Speaking about the transformation in Delhi’s education sector, Shri Arvind Kejriwal said, “The journey of the transformation of Delhi’s government schools, of the revolution in the education sector began in 2015. We had formed a new government. Manish Ji and I were sitting, discussing what all to change and how to go about it. We had a dream, we had a goal. But the path to achieve that goal was a difficult one. Our first decision was hence to dedicate a good budget for this, and we allocated 25% of the budget to education. Earlier it was some 5-10%, which jumped to 25% then. This was the easy part. Then we began developing the infrastructure in all government schools – desks, classrooms to washrooms, cleanliness, water supply, ensuring security, all of it. This created a better environment for education to take place in. Teachers, students, and parents started believing that this government is actually making a change.”

Teachers were sent abroad for training; 99.6% students passed with flying colours this year: CM Arvind Kejriwal

He continued, “Next step was the challenging one – which was to motivate the teachers to provide a holistic education to the children. Then the work for the training of teachers began. They were sent abroad as well as to IIMs for training. Their existing grievances and service related matters were resolved. And once teachers received their training from America, Canada, from the UK, Singapore, from other European countries, they came back with new zeal to actually change the face of education in Delhi. Gradually, we saw the result of this change. Students began performing better, the percentage of students who cleared their exams began increasing. And this year, in 12th grade, 99.6% students passed with flying colours from Delhi’s government schools. People find it hard to believe because earlier this number used to be some 50% or 60%, maybe even 70% as a lot of government school students would fail. But this time, Delhi’s government schools performed better than many private schools.”

Happiness Curriculum is changing the life of students and parents alike: CM Arvind Kejriwal

The CM continued, “Now we are moving on to our next step. Till now we fixed the way students were being educated, but now we are working on what it is that the students are being taught. First, our aim is that the students who pass out of Delhi’s government schools become good samaritans, good people. For this, we have launched the Happiness Curriculum under which students are taught meditation, moral stories, in the efforts to help them become a decent human being. This isn’t merely being done as a formality. The parents of students who are attending these Happiness classes have given us great feedback, saying that there’s been an impressive change in their children. When the same students who would go home and clash with their parents, have now started respecting them. Hence, a major transformation is being seen in the nature of our students.”

Ensured that Delhi’s government schools prepare not just job seekers, but job providers through the Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum: CM Arvind Kejriwal

He added, “Second, we started the Entrepreneurship classes. In our country, students keep earning their degrees – BA and MA, and so on and still end up jobless. If even after completing their education, one cannot earn a livelihood then what is the point of such an education? In Delhi’s government schools, starting from class 9, students are being taught how to run their own businesses. Their mindset is being changed in order to think outside the box and become job providers instead of job seekers. This change in students’ way of thinking that has occurred as a result of the Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum is a major achievement for us.”

Deshbhakti Curriculum prepares our students to be staunch Deshbhakts: CM Arvind Kejriwal

He continued, “Third, we have ensured that whoever studies in Delhi Government Schools turns out to be a true Deshbhakt. Our students, thanks to the Deshbhakti Curriculum, will come out to such patriots who’ll be ready to commit any sacrifice needed for the sake of the country. We have established a unique state education board in Delhi. It is called the Delhi Board of School Education. The board has collaborated with the most renowned school board across the globe called IB. The IB is such a board that the children of the most rich and elite strive to get into schools recognised by it. Now, the children of the poor too will get to study in such schools. We are establishing the Delhi Teachers’ University in the state to prepare highly skilled and world class teachers for the whole country.”

In the eyes of every child of Delhi you’ll see the Kranti dreamt of by Babasaheb and Bhagat Singh; we will carry their legacy forward: CM Arvind Kejriwal

The CM continued, “I am certain that wherever Babasaheb is today, he must be abundantly blessing us for what we do. If he was here today I am sure he would have accepted us in his arms and blessed us with his patronage. Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh committed the supreme sacrifice at the age of 23. At that age, a young man thinks of his career, he thinks of romance, he plans his ahead. Shaheed-e-Azam chose to sacrifice his life happily to ensure a better future for the society. Talk to anyone today, they’d have goosebumps while talking about Bhagat Singh. Dr Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh may have opted for different paths altogether. But they saw the same dream for India. They dreamt that in a free India everyone will be equal, free of discrimination. They thought of a society where success didn’t depend on your caste or class. Their idea of India talked about good education, one where a financially weak family wouldn’t have to send one child to work so the other can study. They spoke of a revolution. They spoke of Kranti. Today, at the Delhi Government we dream of the same Kranti. I am happy that even if it took 70 years, there is a government in the form of the Delhi Government that wants to carry forward their thoughts.”

Every Delhi Government office will have portraits of Babasaheb and Bhagat Singh; we will celebrate their legacy instead of politicians: CM Arvind Kejriwal

Shri Arvind Kejriwal concluded, “Today, when the gates of Delhi’s schools open, they give a flame to the revolution thought of by Bhagat Singh and Babasaheb. One can look into the eyes of the children of our government schools and see the Kranti there themselves. I take this occasion to announce that each and every office of the Delhi Government will be blessed by the portraits of Babasaheb and Bhagat SIngh. Now, we won’t put up photos of politicians or the CM. We will celebrate and take inspiration from these legends. Delhi Government will walk on the path shown by them and they will continue to inspire us.”

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