BJP-ruled MCD pressuring traders of Old Delhi; threatening to seal shops if they don’t pay conversion charges

दैनिक समाचार

Everyone knows that the 2 lac traders of the walled city stay here since before 1962; yet the BJP-ruled North MCD has sent them notices: AAP

The Mughal Era markets have been commercial markets since forever; it’s tyrannical to ask for conversion charges there: AAP

BJP leaders are not even shielding behind MCD anymore; they’re publicly threatening traders: AAP

BJP-ruled MCD has extorted about 5,000 crores in the last 15 years from the people of Delhi: AAP

Before asking for more charges, Adesh Gupta & BJP must tell where these 5,000 crores have gone: AAP

Will take back all such notices after coming to power in MCD: AAP


The Aam Aadmi Party today exposed how the BJP-ruled MCD is pressuring traders of Old Delhi and threatening to seal shops if they don’t pay conversion charges. Shri Brijesh Goyal, Delhi State Convenor of AAP’s Trade and Industry Wing stated — Everyone knows that the 2 lac traders of the walled city have stayed here since before 1962; yet the BJP-ruled North MCD has sent them notices. The Mughal Era markets have been commercial markets since forever; it’s tyrannical to ask for conversion charges there. North MCD LOP Shri Vikas Goel said — BJP leaders are not even shielding behind MCD anymore; they’re publicly threatening traders. BJP-ruled MCD has extorted about 5,000 crores in the last 15 years from the people of Delhi. Before asking for more charges, Adesh Gupta & BJP must tell where these 5,000 crores have gone. AAP will take back all such notices after coming to power in MCD.

Shri Brijesh Goyal, Delhi State Convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party’s Trade and Industry Wing, stated, “shopkeepers in Old Delhi, particularly the market around Chandni Chowk, are being threatened that if you do not pay conversion fees, then your shops will be sealed. We are saying from the beginning that the BJP ruled in MCD is behind this and it just wants to harass the traders. Yesterday, BJP issued a press release asking all the traders to deposit the conversion fees. BJP knows that MCD elections will be held after 2 months, and this time their defeat is certain, so now they are eager to loot the traders. The area of ​​Old Delhi is called Walled City. Clause No. 40 M Point 2 of the Master Plan 2021 clearly states that the markets which have existed before 1962 come under a particular sector. Be it Chandni Chowk Market, Sadar Bazaar, Khari Baoli, all these markets are mentioned in the masterplan. These are called commercial markets. The conversion charge is applicable when a residential area has been converted into a commercial one. But there is no point in charging conversion fees in a Mughal Era market, which is already a commercial market.”

He stated, “The association of Chandni Chowk Market went to the Supreme Court in 2007. The Triple Bench of the Supreme Court, issued an order that there is no need for any kind of registration of the shops and properties under that particular area. Whereas MCD is sending notices to the shops asking for proof of establishment before 1962. Now proof is being sought from every shop, how many generations have changed in that time, how many have died, how many businesses have changed, how many have changed their owners. In such a situation, how will a shopkeeper give proof? I think this is absolutely absurd and unfair. The BJP itself is orchestrating this loot. We assure the 2 lakh traders of Walled City area that in the next few months when the MCD elections will be held and the Aam Aadmi Party government will be formed, then all the notices will be cancelled. Traders will be freed from this evil of conversion fee notices.”

AAP’s North MCD LOP Shri Vikas Goel said, “MCD has been ruled by the BJP for the past 15 years. In these 15 years, the BJP has done nothing but commit corruption in MCD. As a result, you must have noticed that their employees go on strike every day for pay, that there are no books in schools, that there are no medicines in hospitals, and that doctors go on strike. There is only one reason for this, and that is the BJP’s corruption, as a result of which the people of Delhi suffer. The BJP wants to loot everything as it goes. In the same vein, they imposed a conversion fee in the Walled City. The Walled City is classified as a Special Area. According to the masterplan, it is already a commercial area. Despite this, the BJP-led MCD is demanding a conversion fee from the local merchants. Earlier, the traders were harassed by increasing the trade licence fee. The Aam Aadmi Party got it lowered by organising a signature drive. Surprisingly, this time it is not the MCD employees who are openly asking for the conversion charges, but the BJP leaders themselves. They also threaten that if the charges are not paid, the shops will be sealed.”

He continued “The BJP’s decision is inhumane. This demonstrates the BJP’s anti-trader stance. North MCD has charged a conversion fee of Rs 2000-2100 crore for the last 15 years, from 2007. South MCD has also charged a conversion fee of approximately 2000 crores. East MCD, on the other hand, has already charged a conversion fee of around 1000 crores. As a result, MCD has charged a conversion fee of approximately 5000 crores. I want to ask BJP leaders that first you give the account of 5000 crores, where is all this money. The court had ruled that an escrow account would be established for this purpose, into which all of the money would be deposited. And all of this money will be used solely for market development. However, not a single penny was spent on the parking lot’s construction. Today, you go to Chandni Chowk and see what the parking situation is like there, and you go to Sadar Bazar and see what development they’ve done there. This Rs 5000 crore was devoured by BJP leaders. Today, these people are seeking a new conversion fee. I would like to demand that Adesh Gupta account for these 5000 crores to the people of Delhi. With great responsibility, I want to assure Delhi’s traders that there is no need to panic. If there is a problem, the Aam Aadmi Party will be there for you. As soon as the Aam Aadmi Party government is formed in MCD, the party will cancel these unnecessary notices.”

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